Feb 25, 2011

Where in The World Is The Motorhome?

Some of you have been inquiring about the Motorhome.  We left it in Toronto when we flew back to Alberta in the Fall last year.  With the multiple snow storms we've had we have not had a chance to pick it up since we moved to Ontario.  I'm very happy to report that my wonderful husband and his best friend, Rob, drove to Toronto a week ago and picked it up.  It is now parked in our driveway at "Green Acres" but we didn't have a chance to clean it out and back it into the shop before another snow storm hit.  We've decided reluctantly to sell it so if you know anyone interested let us know.

Its hard to let go of it because we have really enjoyed the adventures we've had in it but, alas, we now have other priorities on the old homestead.  Still, if I won the lottery I guess we'd trade it in for an upgrade and then really travel a lot.  Until that happens, reality is....THE MOTOR HOME IS FOR SALE.

We've had a lot more snow here than this area is use to in the last few years.  We relied on a good neighbor that came over with his tractor to dig out our driveway a few weeks ago.  Since then my hubby bought a new fangled shovel that works better than a regular snow shovel but not as good as a snow blower or tractor.  We've decided that a snow fence might be the way to go.  We know that a riding lawn mower will be expensive so we've decided to save for that instead of a snow blower. Dang, I wish we had both but they are pretty expensive.  I just keep my fingers crossed and keep hoping we've seen the last of the snow.  I know I'm dreaming!

Our neighbor up the road came by with his tractor and helped clear out the driveway.

This was a couple of weeks ago.  

Woke up to snowin' and blowin' again today!!!!
At this rate we're going to need our neighbor to dig us out again.  This photo was taken this morning.

...and remember folks, there is no place like home and home is where the heart is.

Feb 20, 2011

Discovering Buttermilk

Since moving to Ontario I have discovered I like buttermilk. I originally bought buttermilk for baking breads and other recipes.  I remembered that my parents use to drink buttermilk because they liked it although as a child I did not.  So now that I'm an adult I decided to give it another try. I am surprised how much I like it.   I LOVE the yogurt-like taste and the creamy thickness that reminds me a lot of the pro-biotic liquid drinks currently on the market today. Fermented foods and drinks add friendly bacteria (microflora) to your gut that will keep you healthy and strong. 

Next I noticed that I started feeling better and actually began craving the buttermilk.   I've noticed lately that whenever I eat something spicy or put in other things not so good for me, my upper abdomen becomes painful.  The only thing that calms it down and deminishes the pain is a glass of cold buttermilk.   I now buy it regularly like milk or half and half. 

According to http://www.ayushveda.com buttermilk is highly effective in reducing the amount of heat in our body and this is why it is very popular during the summertime.  It also states that if you are having digestive problems it is advised that you drink buttermilk to help.  Buttermilk is rich in potassium, Vitamin B12, phosphorus and calcium.  Another vital ingredient in buttermilk is lactic acid produced by lactic acid bacteria that helps keep our immune system stronger. The protein of buttermilk is more easily digestible as compared with milk. Buttermilk is low in fat, has less calories than skim milk.  It is a refreshing and healthy drink and may assist in your diet plan to lose weight because or the low fat content.

Give it a try, you might like it. 

Feb 17, 2011

Life in the country doesn't mean free water after all

Woke up this morning to hearing the pump in the basement running again.  Dang, and just when I thought it was safe to do laundry again.  Ha! Ha!

I thought it was just the water softener running through its weekly cycle but it stayed on for a lot longer than normal.  I told my hubby, 'something is wrong cause this thing is running a long time again'.  Sure enough when I went to make coffee, I got that sputtering water sound.  I know that sound.  Its not good.  We had to have the well replenished AGAIN!!!!  

The water delivery guy told me this seems to be the norm out here in this area because of a low water table, not something we were expecting to find out.  We managed to stretch the water for 2 months this last time by being conservative.  I'm being told that it is quite common out here to have water trucked in to your well to the tune of $100 every 5 or 6 weeks.  We are already considering replacing the septic tank and now it would appear we should also budget for a cistern so we don't have to rely on the well.  

I didn't know the difference between a cistern and a well but looked it up online.  A cistern is a large vessel which is used to hold a reserve of water (right now our well is pretty much "acting" like a cistern).  A cistern is a container which is used for the purpose of storing water; cisterns can be found in various sizes all over the world, both above and below ground. A well, on the other hand, taps into a supply of groundwater, such as a spring or underground stream. Wells are built by digging into the Earth and inserting reinforcements so that the sides of the well do not collapse.  This info was found from http://www.wisegeek.com.  Glad somebody knows what they're talking about.

Now, having said all this, I heard that my uncle's health took a turn for the worst suddenly.  This is posted to here to remind me to bring me back to reality and remind me that my 'well' problems seem so minuscule compared to many things.  I'm still praising God for our health, our families, a mortgage free home, my husband's job, a little money in the bank, the peace and quiet of living in the country and many other things.  Thank you God.  Help me get through -- one day at a time. 

One last thought:  since my posting about the death of a man I had just met, I promised myself that I would start acting on the Lord's prompting to talk to people who cross my path.  So, facing the fear, I spoke to the guy who delivered my water the other day.  I wanted to make sure he had been introduced to the One who laid down his life for him.  He assured me he knew God and was ready to go whenever his day comes.  I don't want anyone to miss out on heaven because I was afraid to speak up.  We face rejection every time we travel upstream with the message of truth.   

Isaiah 53:3  He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

John 1:11   He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.

Feb 14, 2011

Thankful for True Love's Kiss

Two marriages behind me and ready to sign off on ever having true love, I met the man of my dreams. He wasn't the most handsome by Hollywood's scale but his smile, and the twinkle in his eyes as he looks at me, made my heart melt. When he holds me I feel safe and secure.

My husband meets all my needs on this earth and then some. He is my Shrek and I am his Fiona -- and we live happily ever after, till death do us part, in our own love nest. Every day I am thankful to my Heavenly Father for allowing this man to enter my life. My dreams have all come true. I am and always will be thankful for my 'true love's kiss'.

Feb 11, 2011

We never know how long we are here

I sent our condolences to a family I do not know, who lost a loved one we just met for a couple of hours one day. If you read this, you will understand why my heart was deeply moved by this man's sudden death by a stroke.

To the family of Charlie De Plancke -- 0ur hearts go out to you.  We just moved to Port Rowan and just met Charlie through his septic business as a new customer. When I heard the sudden news of his passing, we were quite bothered about it because we had just met him a couple of weeks ago when we had some septic / plumbing issues. He was a stranger to us until that day he came to assess our septic issue. His death really bothered me even though I didn't know him. He was in our house and stood outside on our front porch talking with me. I told him that he reminded me of my brother, who had passed away. I never asked Charlie whether he had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I don't know if he was at peace with God or not but I'm sorry I didn't have the courage to find out by asking him when I had the chance. He seemed like a really good-hearted man and it was a reminder to me that people cross our paths every daily and we never bother to ask if they are headed in the right direction. None of us know how long any of us have until we meet the Lord for the final time. Having lost everyone in my family and being the only one left, I truly know the pain you must be feeling as the remaining family of Charlie. My prayer is that God will comfort you and draw you close to Him during this grieving time in your life.

De PLANCKE, Charles Camiel - passed away suddenly on Saturday February 5, 2011 at the Brantford General Hospital. Charles De Plancke of RR# 1 St. Williams in his 51st year. Charles operated Bayside Septic Service Inc. for 22 years. 

Feb 9, 2011

Birthdays with grandchildren are worth the wait!

So nice to be able to plan short visits with our family if even just for a weekend.  All we have to do is jump in the car and we're there.  I remember a time in my life when 6 hours in the car was a big deal but when you've lived thousand's of miles away from family, 6 hours is nothing to drive now.  Before we moved to Ontario we would be fortunate to see my son and his family every other year, which included the added cost of airfare whether it was us or them -- somebody had to pay the price.  

We were able to drive to Michigan to celebrating our grandson's birthday.  Crossing the border we had to give up our clear sandwich bag of unidentified dog food for Teddi.  We've learned that the next time we cross we have to bring it in the original bag and we cannot bring Lamb & Rice dog food regardless of the brand name. Thankfully I only packed enough for 3 meals and it wasn't that big of a deal to give it up. Left early Saturday morning and arrived about noon (6 hours later).  It was so nice to be able to just jump in the car and drive to where they are.  

We had a great time with my son and daughter-in-law too.  Grandpa and Sage played outside in the snow for awhile on the first day we got there.   Our daughter-in-law made a beautiful "Spiderman" birthday cake.  I think an impatient little boy may have tried getting into it before he was suppose to.  My son made an awesome potroast dinner using a pressure cooker and roasted potatoes in the oven.  The next morning he made pancakes, bacon and eggs.  We had a lot of fun just visiting.  Grandma really enjoyed the baby cuddling and bonding time.  I cannot believe how much the baby has grown since Christmas.

When we crossed the border on Sunday coming home, we paid the toll to cross the bridge as usual.  They gave us our change in U.S. funds.  I was excited to see the $1 coin for the first time like Canada has.  I had heard they were making these but had not seen any yet.  Cool!  

We stopped outside of London at Costco on our way home.  I may have picked up the flu with all the traffic in and out of Costco.  It could have been the flu from my son and daughter-in-law's house because they all just had it a week ago.  Who knows?  I got sick the next day after we got back but it was only a 24 hour bug so not too bad other than the standard flu symptoms one does not enjoy.  

All in all It was a great car trip.

Feb 3, 2011

You Can't Heal When You Suppress

The feelings that began bubbling deep inside explained why I suddenly felt my own stomach acids churning.  I was about to be overcome with emotion, the tears and sobs literally only seconds away.  The regret followed like a wave as I wish I could change the past.  I wish, I wish, I wish....no amount of wishing is going to change it.  I had just remembered something from my past and realized that with this regret, I hadn't forgiven myself yet.  The regret:  'failure to be the kind of mother I wanted to intended to be'.

As the memories and emotion captured me for a moment it was as though time stood still.  Then before I knew, without thinking much about it, I found myself shaking it off.  "Get control", I heard myself saying, "Snap out of it!".  I suppressed the emotions pushing down, down, down, way down.  Deep breath in and.........hold it, wait.......ok,....and exhale.   And.....the moment has passed.  I'm okay again.   (Wow, that would be a great relaxation technique for anxiety control or panic attacks.)

Then, without warning, I heard God speak to me, "You can't heal when you suppress."     I knew instantly what that meant.  I don't know what came over me.  We're talking about a woman that cries at the drop of a hat, or at least use to.  And now, I'm burying my feelings and the failure that has bothered me more than I realized. 

Tonight when I was shopping for my daughter's birthday present this is when I became emotional.  I was fortunate enough to know what she wanted because reluctantly she finally told me.  When I found the the item online, I struggled a bit with the price trying to get the best deal I could.  Nothing wrong with that but suddenly, I felt urged not to worry about it and to just get her exactly what she asked for.  I also felt impressed to throw in an extra item not asked for and so I did.  As I looked at the final total, wondering even for a second if I should spend that kind of money, I felt an overwhelming love for my daughter.  I said, "Yes, because she's worth it."   

It was at that moment that emotion hit me.  I realized just how much I love her and how precious she is to me as my daughter and my best friend.  I would feel lost without her. We encourage each other every week somehow.  We've prayed over the phone together.  We talk online nearly every other day, sending emails a few day a week, sharing back and forth different things that make us laugh, inspire us or teach us something.  I love my daughter so much but it was just now I was filled with regret.  I should have been a better mother to her.  I was so young, too immature and self-centered to see it back then.  We are making up for lost time now.  My daughter is who she is despite my failures, despite my success as a mother and because of who she has struggled to become -- her own person

What happened after this realization hit me?  I knew the only way to salvage the moment is to instantly get onto my computer and write about it.  Confession is good for the soul and it is certainly what God asks from us.  Confess your sins and he is faithful to forgive us our debt, our sin, our trespasses.  Then we can forgive too.  We can forgive ourselves. 

So hear I sit with you.  As you read this, I am forgiving and releasing myself from guilt, regret and a sad heart.  Thank you, Jesus, for your mercy and never ending love.  Thank you for true understanding and forgiveness.  Thank you for giving me the grace I needed throughout all those years raising my family.  You know what I struggled with and all the sacrifices but the most important sacrifice was yours.  Thank you for my salvation and my freedom that you purchased by your blood. 

Letting go and watching the heavy burden become a helium-filled balloon disappearing up and out of sight.

Psalm 103:11-12   For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us."    Notes on the Bible by Albert Barnes [1834] :  So far hath he removed our transgressions from us - That is, he has put them entirely away. They are so removed that they cannot affect us any more. We are safe from all condemnation for our sins, as if they had not been committed at all.

Feb 1, 2011

How wonderful it feels to be a grandmother

I was just thinking how wonderful it feels to be a grandmother.  I know that grandchildren and grandparents have a special bond that others cannot understand unless you have experienced it.  I know my children grew up truly knowing their grandparents well, looking forward to visits with them and just enjoying life with these awesome seniors on their side, always.  When I was growing up I do not remember a lot of happy memories spent with my grandparents but there was a lot of competition back then.  My grandparents had a lot of grandchildren  -- so cousins who got to see "grandma & grandpa" a lot more than me, well, I just missed out a lot.  When I did see them, it was more like a warm memory of their house, their food, just listening to their voice.  

I really want my grandchildren to know me and my husband as their grandparents that played with them, listened to them, kissed all over their faces, hugged them till they almost popped, went places with them and experienced life with them.  We hope they always have fond memories of us and always feel loved and accepted and special because they are.

Dedicated to my grandchildren.

Passing the Test

Thumbprint (Bio-Metric sign in) required to work here.
I thought I had found the perfect job online.  It was working from home as part of a call centre.  This is great, I thought.  Then the last thing I read was they would need your thumb print for security purposes.  I thought, "you've got to be kidding me -- where is this world headed that we have to prove our identity this way".  Welcome to the big world of big brother.  Remember there will come a time that is prophesied that without taking a certain mark you won't be able to buy or sell any goods or services.

I know that we are all being set up for world globalization and dominating tracking systems.  Everyone is online, signed up, signed in, logged on, phones, cell phones, pagers, GPS, etc.   How do you go off the grid if you wanted to?  I've signed up to so much online stuff now and I am so hooked on my electronics that I cannot imagine living a simple life without any help.  I get freaked out just thinking that I might not be able to get online today.  

There is coming a day, my friends, a day of ultimate testing.  The day that your heart and mine will be judged and we will also give an account for what we chosen to believe, chosen to act on, chosen to speak and live.  That day is coming.  Don't fall for this deception.  If you are left behind when Jesus returns for his church, whatever you do don't take the mark.  I pray you will remember what is being said here.  If you are left behind you will be given this horrific opportunity but remember if you take the mark, you are paying allegiance to an evil power that will include you in his eternal imprisonment in torment. There is still hope for you but the Bible says you will have to suffer the consequences.  Why not turn to God now because we do not know the day or hour when Jesus will return for us.

How can we avoid becoming deceived?

Rev 13:17 So that no one will have power to buy or sell unless he bears the stamp (mark, inscription), [that is] the name of the beast or the number of his name.  Rev 14:9  Then another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a mighty voice, Whoever pays homage to the beast and his statue and permits the [beast's] stamp (mark, inscription) to be put on his forehead or on his hand. 

Revelation 14:9-12 And a third angel followed them and spoke with a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he will also drink the wine of God’s wrath, which is mixed full strength in the cup of His anger. He will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb, and the smoke of their torment will go up forever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or anyone who receives the mark of his name. This demands the perseverance of the saints, who keep God’s commands and their faith in Jesus.”