Feb 17, 2011

Life in the country doesn't mean free water after all

Woke up this morning to hearing the pump in the basement running again.  Dang, and just when I thought it was safe to do laundry again.  Ha! Ha!

I thought it was just the water softener running through its weekly cycle but it stayed on for a lot longer than normal.  I told my hubby, 'something is wrong cause this thing is running a long time again'.  Sure enough when I went to make coffee, I got that sputtering water sound.  I know that sound.  Its not good.  We had to have the well replenished AGAIN!!!!  

The water delivery guy told me this seems to be the norm out here in this area because of a low water table, not something we were expecting to find out.  We managed to stretch the water for 2 months this last time by being conservative.  I'm being told that it is quite common out here to have water trucked in to your well to the tune of $100 every 5 or 6 weeks.  We are already considering replacing the septic tank and now it would appear we should also budget for a cistern so we don't have to rely on the well.  

I didn't know the difference between a cistern and a well but looked it up online.  A cistern is a large vessel which is used to hold a reserve of water (right now our well is pretty much "acting" like a cistern).  A cistern is a container which is used for the purpose of storing water; cisterns can be found in various sizes all over the world, both above and below ground. A well, on the other hand, taps into a supply of groundwater, such as a spring or underground stream. Wells are built by digging into the Earth and inserting reinforcements so that the sides of the well do not collapse.  This info was found from http://www.wisegeek.com.  Glad somebody knows what they're talking about.

Now, having said all this, I heard that my uncle's health took a turn for the worst suddenly.  This is posted to here to remind me to bring me back to reality and remind me that my 'well' problems seem so minuscule compared to many things.  I'm still praising God for our health, our families, a mortgage free home, my husband's job, a little money in the bank, the peace and quiet of living in the country and many other things.  Thank you God.  Help me get through -- one day at a time. 

One last thought:  since my posting about the death of a man I had just met, I promised myself that I would start acting on the Lord's prompting to talk to people who cross my path.  So, facing the fear, I spoke to the guy who delivered my water the other day.  I wanted to make sure he had been introduced to the One who laid down his life for him.  He assured me he knew God and was ready to go whenever his day comes.  I don't want anyone to miss out on heaven because I was afraid to speak up.  We face rejection every time we travel upstream with the message of truth.   

Isaiah 53:3  He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

John 1:11   He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.

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