Mar 21, 2011

Random Thoughts I’m Thinking

Can I ppplease just watch one TV sitcom without a homosexual lifestyle in it?

Wanted:  creative and original ideas for TV and Movies!  Not  accepting remakes, comic books or reality TV  shows but can be based on a true story.  Imagination a must!  Profanity not necessary.  Must be heart-moving, enlightening and inspiring.

I do know what’s funny so I don’t need a laugh track, thank you very much. 
How come I never meet a HGTV makeover designer and film crew whenever I’m shopping at Home Depot, Lowes or Sears?   Believe me, I would be more interesting than some of the homeowners on those shows.  How do I spell entertainment?  P – E – R – S – O – N – A – L – I – T – Y

1 comment:

  1. Because those shows are out of California they only do makeovers in California. Have you ever been to a website like that to see if you can have them make over your home? They always say you must live in the California area...besides you live in the boonies.


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